Environment Agency approves permit variation
The Environment Agency has approved a variation to the bespoke environmental permit at the existing Palmers Wood oil and gas production site in Surrey.

The new permit variation includes a number of improvement conditions, required in order to meet the environmental standards within which industry can operate, as laid out in our sector guidance.
In addition to the permit variation a separate new bespoke Radioactive Substances Activities permit has also been issued for the handling of naturally occurring radioactive materials (NORM) which result from standard oil and gas production activities.
In deciding whether or not to issue the permits, all relevant considerations and legal requirements have been taken into account. Comments received during the public consultation period, held between 20 February and 20 March 2017, were also considered as part of the decision process.
An Environment Agency spokesperson said:
This variation is necessary following our review of all oil and gas permits granted before October 2013. Although the activities at Palmers Wood have not changed significantly since the existing permit was issued, this variation updates the permit to the current regulatory requirements.
An environmental permit sets out stringent conditions that all oil and gas sites must adhere to. We do not issue an environmental permit for a site if we consider that activities taking place will cause significant pollution to the environment or harm to human health.
View the oil and gas mining waste permit issued for Palmers Wood Oilfield, Surrey.
For further information, please email KSLE@environment-agency.gov.uk.