Press release

Environment Agency drop-in to discuss Slaughden flood defence work

The Environment Agency will be holding a public drop-in in Aldeburgh to discuss upcoming flood defence improvement work in Slaughden.

Slaughden beach

Slaughden beach

The work will take place in front of the seawall at Slaughden beach and will extend the existing protection from the Martello Tower to near Aldeburgh Yacht Club.

A temporary footpath closure will be in place for public safety, but the Environment Agency will keep the footpath open wherever possible.

The Environment Agency will be constructing approximately 200m of rock footings to protect the main defence at Slaughden. Rock will be delivered by sea and placed in front of the seawall before reinstating the beach with shingle.

In recent years the beach levels at Slaughden have lowered significantly and have not naturally recovered. This has exposed the footings of the seawall, known as the toe, making it vulnerable to failure.

David Kemp, Coastal Team Leader at the Environment Agency said:

Maintaining the flood defence at Slaughden is important for the whole estuary. Rock toe protection will absorb the impact of strong waves which will reduce the risk of any breaches to the seawall. This will allow us to continue managing flood risk to the Alde/Ore estuary.

Earlier this month the Environment Agency carried out emergency repairs in Slaughden and Bawdsey after wave action from strong south-easterly winds damaged the defences.

The drop-in will be held on Thursday 21 January, from 2pm to 6pm at Aldeburgh Parish Church Hall, Victoria Road, IP15 5DU. Work is expected to start at the end of February subject to weather conditions.

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Published 15 January 2016