Press release

Essential maintenance work on Abbey Mill Sluice to start soon

The Environment Agency will be holding a public drop-in session for Tewkesbury residents on Tuesday 26 July 2016.

The drop-in will be held between 2:30pm and 6pm at:

Tewkesbury Abbey Tea Room
Church Street
GL20 5RZ

The aim of the drop-in is to inform local residents how and why the maintenance is required to the Abbey Mill sluice gate, and the potential impacts to anyone who uses the crossing area regularly, for example dog walkers and joggers.

Staff from the Environment Agency will be on hand to explain the background to the project, programme of works, timetable, closed areas plus information on restrictions or changes to footpaths around the Mill and on the Severn Ham.

The works are scheduled to begin in early August 2016 and may last until January 2017.

George Tomlin, Project Manager from the Environment Agency said:

It’s fantastic news that we’re able to start maintenance works on the aging sluice gate. It is a complex process to remove and refurbish the gate but essential to enable the gate to be operated for years to come and help manage water levels in the river channel.

There will be points of restricted access for health and safety reasons during the works but we have worked hard to minimise the disruption wherever possible. We are holding the drop-in session to provide an opportunity for the community to speak with us and learn more about these important works.

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Published 19 July 2016