News story

EU consultation on publishers rights and the panorama exception

On 23 March 2016 the European Commission launched a consultation on neighbouring rights for publishers and the panorama copyright exception.

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The following text is taken from the Commission’s website:

Have your say on the possible extension to publishers of the neighbouring rights currently granted, for example to broadcasters or producers of someone else’s copyrighted material. We would also welcome your views on the panorama exception, which concerns the use made of images depicting buildings, sculptures and monuments. The Commission wants to hear from everyone interested in the publishing sector and the digital economy such as authors, researchers, publishers, online service providers and others in the creative industries.

The consultation document and press release are both available on the Commission’s website.

The first section of the consultation asks questions about the role of publishers in the online environment and whether there should be an EU-level “neighbouring right” for publishers.

The second section of the consultation asks questions about the operation of the panorama exception across the EU in the digital age. The panorama exception allows people to photograph or film certain types of artistic works permanently located in public spaces - such as sculptures or buildings - without infringing copyright in these works.

The deadline for responses to the consultation is the 15 June 2016. The consultation will be of interest to the publishing sector, authors, broadcasters, researchers, publishers, online service providers, readers, photographers and photographer groups, internet users and others in the creative industry. You can respond to either or both sections of the consultation.

If issues within the consultation are relevant to you or your organisation we would encourage you to respond. You should send your response to the Commission as instructed. However, if you have any views you would like to share with the IPO, including your completed response, please contact copyright policy.

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Published 24 March 2016