EU Statement on Recent Violence in Djibouti
EU Statement on Violence Which Occurred in Djibouti in Late 2015

“The episodes of violence which occurred in Djibouti in late December 2015 present a challenge for the Djiboutian authorities. It is important that light be shed on these events and that those responsible be pursued. The EU expresses its condolences to the families of the victims.
One year after the signature of the Framework Agreement of 30 December 2014 between the government and the opposition, which the EU actively supported, the key elements of the agreement are yet to be implemented. We urge that they are, as this would protect the civil peace, and pave the way to democratic reforms and a deeper commitment to the rule of law, particularly through establishing mechanisms guaranteeing the transparency of the electoral process.
The EU calls on all the Djiboutian political forces to respect the rule of law, including the right to protest peacefully, and to refrain from resorting to violence, particularly in light of the upcoming elections.
It reaffirms its engagement to work with the Government of the Republic of Djibouti, as well as all political forces, civil society and the people of Djibouti on the inclusive and durable development of the country and the stabilisation of the region.”