Evidence into action: protecting and improving the nation’s health
Public Health England has today published its 7 priorities for the next 5 years.

Public Health England has today published its 7 priorities for the next 5 years, having looked closely at the evidence to determine where it can most effectively focus its efforts.
Duncan Selbie, Chief Executive of Public Health England said:
We have an ambition: for people of this country to live as well as possible, for as long as possible. But on current trends, we are going to fall short because we face an epidemic of largely preventable long-term diseases. We may be living longer, but we – and future generations – risk spending many of these extra years in poor health unless we do a better job of tackling major risks such as obesity, poor diet, physical inactivity, smoking, and excessive alcohol consumption.
We have an opportunity, with the NHS 5 Year Forward View and the momentous return of public health to local authorities, to put the evidence into action.
Minister for Public Health, Jane Ellison said:
I welcome PHE’s priorities for improving the public’s health and their commitment to being an engine of change – working with and supporting the public, local government, the NHS and of course Ministers, by providing expert advice and spreading innovation and best practice to improve the health of the nation.
Chief Executive, NHS England Simon Stevens said:
It makes little sense that the NHS spends more on stapling stomachs and gastric band operations than we do on prevention lifestyle programmes that were shown to work a decade ago. It is time we got serious about prevention and Public Health England’s strategy and the NHS 5 Year Forward View are an important next step in setting the health priorities for the country.