Exciting opportunities to manage inshore fisheries and conservation
The MMO is looking to recruit ten general members to regional IFCAs across the UK.

These voluntary roles require candidates who can take a balanced approach to caring for our seas, assessing the priority and importance of all users and stakeholders. It is essential that candidates have a good local knowledge of the IFCA area for which they are applying. The members of the IFCA contribute their knowledge and experience to provide sustainable management of the inshore marine area of their IFCA district.
We are seeking to appoint hands-on individuals with good communication skills and an ability to circulate IFCA regulations, policies, and guidance through their network of contacts to serve as a member.
These are exciting opportunities for people with experience and a passion for their inshore marine area to play a major part in shaping how their local area is managed. If you want to make a positive difference and help balance economic, social, and environmental needs, we would be pleased to hear from you.
We seek to achieve a balanced membership across various interest groups, including those with commercial, recreational, and environmental interests. To assist in maintaining this balance the MMO seek to appoint the following.
Northumberland IFCA
Three new general members are required who are willing to support NIFCA and positively embrace the challenges that new legislation and fishing plans will bring. Applications are welcome from all sectors but we especially welcome applications from those in the commercial and recreational fishing communities.
North Eastern IFCA
Require two general members and invite applications from all sectors but particularly encourage applications from commercial fishing operators with experience in working both static and mobile fishing gears on inshore grounds.
Kent & Essex IFCA
Welcome applications from anyone with a willingness to engage with the IFCA in their work in undertaking the management of fisheries within their district. In particular we would encourage applications from the recreational angling sector and active commercial fishermen.
Cornwall IFCA
Welcome applications from all sectors but to reflect the balance and needs of the IFCA would particularly welcome applicants with experience and knowledge of the recreational fishing, shellfish sector and marine environment sector.
Southern IFCA
Welcomes applications from candidates with a scientific background within the marine environment and working knowledge of the IFCA district..
Sussex IFCA
Has a vacancy for a general member and welcomes applications from all sectors but particularly encourage applications from those with experience and knowledge of the commercial fishing sector.
Should you wish to discuss the role of a general member in greater detail or require assistance with completion of your application form please speak to your local IFCA Officer or contact your local IFCA Office.
Cornwall IFCA 01736 336 842
Kent and Essex IFCA 01843 585 310
North Eastern IFCA 01482 393 515
Northumberland IFCA 01670 797 676
Southern IFCA 01202 721 373
Sussex IFCA 01273 454407
To apply – The deadline for applications has been extended till Sunday 15 August at 11:55pm and completed application forms should be sent to ifcarecruitment@marinemanagement.org.uk
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Published 6 July 2021Last updated 30 July 2021 + show all updates
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Sussex update
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