Expressions of interest to create academic health science networks sought
Expressions of interest are sought to create academic health science networks (AHSNs).
The goal of AHSN’s will be to improve patient and population health outcomes by translating research into practice and developing and implementing integrated health care systems. The document sets out the draft designation and establishment process.
Every local NHS organisation should aspire to be affiliated to its local AHSN, which would act as a gateway for any NHS organisation needing support or help with innovation, and provide industry with focused points of access to the NHS.
The academic health science networks guidance is aimed at the NHS, care trust, special health authorities, and local authority chief executives, medical, nursing, finance and public health directors, NHS chairs, university deans of medical schools, schools of nursing and midwifery and allied health professionals.
It is accompanied by a letter from Sir David Nicholson, NHS Chief Executive and Professor Dame Sally C Davies, Chief Medical Officer and Chief Scientific Adviser.
Academic health science networks: request for expressions of interest to create AHSNs
Innovation health and wealth (IHW) is the NHS Chief Executive’s report on the adoption and spread of innovation in the NHS. Launched by the Prime Minister in December 2011 it sets out the contribution the NHS can make to the government’s ‘Plan for Growth’. IHW recommended that the NHS Chief Executive and the Chief Medical Officer should work with partners to designate academic health science networks (AHSNs) that will align education, clinical research, informatics, training and healthcare delivery.