Factsheet for travellers celebrating Chinese New Year abroad
PHE and NaTHNaC have produced a factsheet for travellers celebrating Chinese New Year overseas (19 February 2015)

Public Health England (PHE) and the National Travel Health Network and Centre (NaTHNaC) have published a factsheet with advice on how UK residents travelling to Asia to celebrate the Chinese New Year can stay healthy and safe.
The factsheet contains general travel health advice on food hygiene, insect bite avoidance and sun protection, as well as advice on the prevention of sexually- transmitted infections and avian flu. The importance of personal safety and a reminder to travellers to make sure they have adequate travel insurance is also highlighted.
Dr Hilary Kirkbride, head of travel and migrant health at PHE said:
If you have any flu-like symptoms or a fever, either while you are away or once you return home, seek medical advice from NHS 111 or your GP. It is important to let them know that you have recently travelled abroad.
Dr Dipti Patel, joint director at NaTHNaC, commissioned by PHE, said:
Our factsheet aims to provide practical tips so that travellers can stay healthy whilst abroad. We would encourage travellers to make sure they have appropriate travel health insurance for their trip, as healthcare facilities abroad can be very costly.
We also advise travellers to refer to the NaTHNaC country information pages, for travel health advice specific to their destination.
For a copy of the factsheet, refer to the NaTHNaC website.
Photo by Ken Funakoshi. Used under Flickr Creative Commons.