News story

Fans advised to avoid health penalties at the World Cup in Brazil

PHE and NaTHNaC remind fans going to the FIFA Football World Cup in Brazil (12 June to 13 July 2014) to protect their health so their trip is memorable for all the right reasons.

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This news story has been withdrawn because it refers to past events.

As the England football team prepares for its final home game today (Friday 30 May) before heading to Brazil for the World Cup, Public Health England (PHE) and the National Travel Health Network and Centre (NaTHNaC) are reminding UK fans going to Brazil: see your GP for travel advice, to stay healthy during your trip.

Dr Dipti Patel, joint director of NaTHNaC, commissioned by PHE, said:

We encourage fans to seek travel health advice as soon as possible and it is still not too late to get vaccinations or antimalarial tablets. Your GP or travel clinic will assess your particular health risks to ensure you are adequately protected.

Yellow fever and malaria, both potentially life threatening illnesses spread by mosquitoes, are risks in parts of Brazil. Travellers should check with travel health advisers whether there is need to have a yellow fever vaccination or take antimalarials.

Dr Jane Jones, a travel health expert at PHE, said:

The health risks whilst travelling to Brazil will vary between individuals and many issues need to be taken into account, such as planned activities, length of stay and the general health of the traveller. Many of the problems experienced by travellers cannot be prevented by vaccinations and so other preventive measures need to be taken; for example, consumption of safe food and water, avoiding accidents, safe sex, and protection from sun exposure and insect bites.

A little caution and some sensible practices could avoid unpleasant illnesses which could ruin your World Cup experience.

Refer to the NaTHNaC country information pages for travel health advice specific to Brazil.

See PHE’s World Cup factsheet.

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Published 30 May 2014