World news story

FAQ on call for project proposals under CSSF Programme 2019-2020 in Ukraine

The British Embassy Kyiv provide answers to FAQ regarding call for project proposals under CSSF Programme 2019-2020 in Ukraine

This was published under the 2016 to 2019 May Conservative government

The British Embassy Kyiv provide answers to frequently asked questions (FAQ) that we received from potential bidders for the 2019-2020 implementation cycle under the Conflict, Stability and Security Fund (CSSF).

1. Are we allowed to apply for both call for bids announced by the British Embassy Ukraine, under the British Embassy Bilateral Programme Fund (closed on 25 March) and under the Conflict, Stability and Security Fund (CSSF)(open until 5 April)?

Organisations are able to submit proposals under both calls for bids on the basis that they have experience in the field and capacity to deliver on time. Please ensure that all submitted bids clearly identify the specific area and outcomes that will be delivered.

2. Can an organisation be part of multiple proposals?

We will consider all proposals that fit the CSSF call for bids criteria and focus on the following themes: peace-building, Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs), veterans and their families. Both individual and consortium proposals will be considered. A lead organisation should be identified in the proposal.

3. Can proposals from joint ventures/ association of companies and organisations be considered?

Proposals can include both international and local organisations working in Ukraine. However, please be aware that all contracts will be signed with the leading organisation.

4. Can projects covering other thematic areas be submitted?

All project proposals will be assessed based on the following themes: peace-building, IDPs and veterans issues.

5. Do the Results Framework and Due Diligence assessments need to be completed at this stage?

The Results Framework is part of the project proposal and must be completed. Successful proposals that pass the pre-selection competition will need to complete a Due Diligence assessment.

6. Are there any more specific requirements about desired/eligible activities within the three priority areas? Do you have further guidelines about eligible activities?

We are looking for new innovative ways to address veterans and IDPs issues. In parallel, we are also seeking creative proposals that will promote peace-building within communities across Ukraine.

7. Which organisations are allowed to apply: international organisations, international NGOs or local civil society organisations?

Any organisation, which meets the CSSF call for bids criteria, can apply.

8. Is the duration of this project for ten months only or can it be prolonged?

All projects will be funded for ten months from 1 June 2019 to 31 March 2020. There will be opportunities to discuss further funding with the British Embassy throughout the year.

9. The call sets a funding range of £300,000 – £500,000, and the budget template/guidance allows for nine months of implementation, is the funding for FY 2019-2020 only?

Yes, this funding is for financial year 2019-2020 only. We recommend that all key activities are delivered by mid-March 2020 to allow time for the end of year reporting and/or any delayed activities.

10. Do you provide smaller grants, below £300,000?

This call for bids only seeks proposals for projects with a budget of £300,000 – £500,000.

11. Is this funding exempt from Ukrainian VAT?

This funding is not exempt from VAT. However, in line with Ukrainian legislation, all projects registered at the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade (MEDT) can apply for the TAX/VAT exemption procedure that exists for International Technical Assistance (ITA) projects.

12. In the budget guidance, it is stated “Insurance costs paid centrally should not be included within the project budget.” Will you please specify what is meant by “centrally”?

Please only include insurance costs which directly relate to risk regarding the CSSF project, not the overall insurance of the organisation bidding for the project. Should your bid be successful, we are happy to provide specific budget guidance on a case by case basis.

13. Do you have some eligible cost rules for project proposals?

The cost rules and guidelines for CSSF project budgets are listed in the ABB template.

14. Please, can you outline your guidance with regards to co-funding of the project proposed under this Call?

Co-funded proposals will be considered but we request that the UK’s contribution is clearly referenced in the CSSF project proposal and ABB.

15. Do you have any guidance on project procurement?

All UK government procurement must comply with EU procurement regulation. The Grantee must obtain value for money when using grant funding and will act in a fair, open and non-discriminatory manner when buying goods and services. The Grantee will follow its own procurement guidelines and procedures when buying goods and services using grant funding provided under this Grant Agreement. If the British Embassy requests information from the Grantee about the use of grant funding provided under this Grant Agreement for procurement, the Grantee will provide sufficient information to show that its procurement processes are transparent, fair, allow for competition and were cost effective.

16. Are there any guidelines and specific requirements about financial reporting?

Financial reporting, as well as narrative reporting, will be completed on a quarterly basis. Reports must be submitted using CSSF templates.

Administrative costs refer to project management costs, office rent, office equipment rent, utilities, internet/communications/rent of server, external audit costs and relevant bank fees. Monitoring and Evaluation costs should be calculated on a separate budget line.

18. The combined total of administration costs must not exceed 10% of the overall project costs. Can we exceed this amount if we can well justify it?

We would kindly request that administrative costs do not exceed 10% of the overall project costs. Administration costs will be assessed on a case by case basis.

19. What is the chargeable overhead/indirect cost rate?

We do not have an agreed indirect cost rate. On this basis, we recommend that indirect costs are not included within the CSSF project budget.

20. What is the mechanism and process for grant funding (type of payments): pre-payments (advance payments) or only one payment after the full realisation of the project?

In general, CSSF will pay quarterly post-payments. Pre-payments can be made to non-profit organisations who do not have sufficient working capital. Any requests for pre-payments must be authorised by London.

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Published 26 March 2019