FCDO statement: Venezuela gold case in Supreme Court and legal arguments
FCDO Legal Counsel is presenting arguments on behalf of the Foreign Secretary in the Supreme Court hearing over the rights of access to gold held by the Bank of England and owned by the State of Venezuela.

The illegitimate Maduro regime has claimed rights of access over gold held in the Bank of England on behalf of the State of Venezuela.
The UK government is clear that Juan Guaido has been recognised by HMG since February 2019 as the only legitimate President of Venezuela.
An FCDO spokesperson said:
The UK government has the right to decide who to recognise as the legitimate head of a foreign state. The UK recognises Juan Guaidó as President of Venezuela and consequentially he is the only individual recognised to have the authority to act on behalf of Venezuela as its head of state.
Venezuela needs a peaceful transition to democracy with free and fair elections, both legislative and presidential.