FCO responds to recent fighting in Sudan
Baroness Anelay concerned by recent fighting in Sudan and attacks on civilians

Foreign Office Minister Baroness Anelay said:
I am deeply concerned by the recent fighting in Sudan that has seen some further tens of thousands of people displaced in Darfur and the Two Areas. Continued attacks on civilian populations, including the bombing by Sudanese Armed Forces of a Medecins sans Frontieres hospital in South Kordofan, are entirely unacceptable.
I am particularly concerned by the findings of the Human Rights Watch report published this week into accusations of mass rape by soldiers in Tabit, North Darfur between 30 October and 1 November 2014. These are extremely serious allegations. The report once again highlights the need for a full and open investigation into what happened and unhindered access for the African Union - United Nations Hybrid Mission in Darfur and humanitarian organisations. We continue to support the call for that investigation.
Furthermore, I urge all parties to Sudan’s conflicts to engage fully with efforts to bring an end to the fighting that has destroyed so many lives and open the way to a new era of political dialogue in Sudan.
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