FCO’s Latin America Director travels to Honduras
The Latin America Director at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO), Nigel Baker, will travel to Honduras on October 25.

Nigel Baker
His visit is part of a regional tour to advance political, economic and security cooperation with Central America.
Director Baker will have meetings at the Secretary of Foreign Affairs, the Central American Bank of Economic Integration, and members of the Chevening alumni network, Hondurans who have been recipients of the prestigious British Government scholarship.
Director Baker will discuss ways to build on strengthening the UK – Honduras economic relationship, especially in light of the upcoming UK exit from the EU (Brexit). He will discuss proposals to reach a soon as possible after Brexit a free trade agreement between the UK and Central America in succession to the EU Central America Association Agreement.
He will also address the need for Honduras to continue to improve the business environment in such a way that all Hondurans can benefit from the increased prosperity this would bring. A critical part of this process involves the continued engagement of Honduras in the fight against corruption and respect for human rights. Director Baker will reaffirm the UK’s commitment to continue working with Honduras to enhance prosperity and security. For example, the UK recently provided training to enable Honduran officials to identify fake passports and illegal travel documents.
Director Baker will also discuss with the authorities Honduras’ important role in improving security in Central America and ways to address the root causes of the present wave of migration.