News story

February 2024 Transaction Data

This data provides information about the number and types of applications that HM Land Registry completed in February 2024.


Please note this data shows what HM Land Registry has been able to process during the time period covered and is not necessarily a reflection of market activity.

In February:

  • HM Land Registry completed more than 1,900,950 applications to change or query the Land Register 
  • the South East topped the table of regional applications with 424,357

HM Land Registry completed 1,900,950 applications in February compared with 1,883,137 in January and 1,771,870 last February 2023, of which: 

  • 282,642 were applications for register updates compared with 298,750 in January
  • 1,121,090 were applications for an official copy of a register compared with 1,095,216 in January
  • 174,348 were search and hold queries (official searches) compared with 182,512 in January
  • 84,061 were transactions for value compared with 84,996 in January
  • 20,293 were postal applications from non-account holders compared with 19,296 in January

Applications by region and country 

Region/country December applications January applications February applications
South East 300,944 424,357 431,719
Greater London 252,332 356,173 359,378
North West 152,088 206,193 215,042
South West 128,926 182,662 180,916
West Midlands 112,618 159,365 157,910
Yorkshire and the Humber 108,989 147,023 149,606
East Midlands 97,518 134,913 138,195
North 65,817 93,519 95,557
East Anglia 56,794 81,326 83,153
Isles of Scilly 84 58 97
Wales 59,619 97,459 89,265
England and Wales (not assigned) 63 89 112
Total 1,335,792 1,883,137 1,900,950

Top 5 local authority areas 

February 2024 applications

Top 5 Local
authority areas February applications
Birmingham 28,779
City of Westminster 27,142
Leeds 22,892
North Yorkshire 20,769
Buckinghamshire 19,402

January 2024 applications

Top 5 local authority areas January applications
Birmingham 29,114
City of Westminster 25,512
Leeds 21,020
North Yorkshire 20,995
Cornwall 19,63

Top 5 customers 

February 2024 applications

Top 5 customers February Applications
Infotrack Limited 163,962
Orbital Witness Limited 36,299
Enact 34,227
O’Neill Patient 31,396
Landmark Information Group Ltd 26,756

January 2024 applications

Top 5 customers January applications
Infotrack Limited 152,053
Enact 29,412
O’Neill Patient 28,640
Devonshires 28,128
Landmark Information Group Ltd 24,951

Access the full dataset on our Use land and property data service.

Next publication 

Transaction Data is published on the 15th working day of each month. The March 2024 data will be published at 11am on Monday 22 April 2024.

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Published 21 March 2024