Field trials for bovine TB cattle vaccine and skin test move to next phase
New phase will assess the safety and performance of the cattle vaccine and skin test for tuberculosis

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Field trials for a cattle vaccine and new skin test for bovine tuberculosis (bTB) have moved to the next phase, the Animal and Plant Health Agency (APHA) has announced today Monday 6th February.
If the second phase is successful, we will be closer to being able to vaccinate cattle against this endemic disease. It is hoped that the combination of CattleBCG vaccine and the Detect Infected among Vaccinated Animals (DIVA) skin test will be deployable in the next few years, adding significant tools to those currently available.
The second phase of the field trials will assess the safety of the CattleBCG vaccine and the safety and performance of the DIVA skin test in vaccinated cattle. So far, laboratory studies have indicated that the vaccine and DIVA skin test are safe and that the test performs well, under controlled APHA facility environments. The field trials are taking place on commercial livestock farms across the country and are due to be completed in 2023. Phase 2 will involve at least five farms with 600 animals participating, 300 of which will be vaccinated with CattleBCG, whilst the remaining half will receive a placebo.
In July 2021, APHA began Phase 1 of trials in England, which focused on the safety and performance of the DIVA skin test in unvaccinated animals. Performed on ten farms with 524 participating animals, Phase 1 was completed in May 2022 and analysis of the results is in progress.
Dr Phil Hogarth, APHA’s lead scientist for TB said:
I am pleased that we have progressed to the next phase of the field trials for a cattle vaccine and DIVA skin test for bovine tuberculosis.
This next step represents a significant milestone, building upon many years of research, and APHA will continue to be led by science, and work tirelessly in the fight to eradicate this disease.
In a joint statement the Chief Veterinary Officers from England, Scotland and Wales said:
Bovine TB represents one of the most difficult animal disease challenges the world faces today. We are making substantial progress in developing an additional tool to help eradicate this disease with the new cattle vaccine and DIVA skin test - and are very grateful to the vets and farmers taking part for their efforts in making this work on the ground.
If this next phase is successful, this project takes us one step closer to a vaccine to be used in conjunction with other measures to tackle this insidious disease which impacts livestock farmers across the globe.
Bovine tuberculosis (bTB) is one of the most difficult and intractable animal health challenges that the UK faces today and costs taxpayers in England around £100 million every year. Over 38,000 cattle in England and Wales were slaughtered in 2021 to tackle the disease.
The completion of phase 1 was an important milestone in ensuring the UK Government remains on track to deliver a deployable cattle vaccine and DIVA skin test for bTB. APHA will use information from the trials to support applications for marketing authorisations and international recognition. This will help save thousands of cattle every year that would have been culled to prevent the spread of disease.
More information about the bTB cattle vaccination programme can be found on the TB Hub.
Further information:
- The Contract Research Organisation (CRO), Eville & Jones Ltd now seeks to work with interested farmers and veterinary practices to support the next phase of the field trials on suitable farms that meet the inclusion criteria.
- The inclusion criteria are as follows:
- Officially TB Free (OTF) herds in the Low Risk Area (LRA) of England or the Low TB Area (LTBA) of Wales
- Herds that have been in existence for 8 years or more
- A minimum of three continuous years free from TB (OTF status) with a routine Single Intradermal Comparative Cervical Test (SICCT) having been completed within 3 calendar years of Day -7
- Not in a current radial or contiguous TB testing regime
- Not in an active TB hotspot (as defined by APHA)
- Not having purchased cattle from a higher TB risk area in the last 12 months (of Day -7)
- No scheduled statutory TB test during the proposed study period (Day -7 to Day 91)
- If you are interested in taking part in this research project, which is critical in bringing a new tool to bear on the eradication of bovine TB, and believe you have a suitable farm that meets the inclusion criteria, please contact Dr Lindsay Heasman by emailing
- Details of contractual arrangements and incentives will follow on enquiry.
- The Veterinary Medicines Directorate is responsible for authorising veterinary medicines in the UK. The World Organisation for Animal Health is responsible for setting international standards for animal health and trade.