File your Companies House accounts online to avoid delays
We have reduced numbers in our offices following government coronavirus (COVID-19) guidance - so it will take much longer to process paper documents sent by post.

It’s a busy time at Companies House with many companies due to file annual accounts before their deadline. These periods are known as peak filing.
Check your company’s filing deadline. Measures were introduced in June to give companies more time to file accounts and other documents.
File your accounts online before your deadline to make sure they’re processed quickly, and on time.
You can also use third-party software to file your accounts.
Our online services are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
We’ll send you an email to confirm we’ve received your accounts - and another email when we’ve registered them.
It can take as little as 15 minutes from start to finish and you’ll know your accounts have been delivered on time. Our online filing service also has inbuilt checks to help you avoid mistakes.
Accounts filed on paper need to be manually checked, and we currently have reduced numbers in our offices to maintain social distancing. Many of our employees are also affected by local restrictions.
It’s taking much longer than usual to process paper documents, forms and letters sent to us by post.
It’s the directors’ responsibility to file a company’s accounts. You could get a criminal record, a fine and disqualification if you do not deliver your accounts on time.
You must file accounts even if your company is dormant.
Guidance and more information
Watch our ‘How to’ videos for guidance on how to file online.
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