Press release

Find out more about Port Clarence’s new flood defence scheme.

Public drop-in at High Clarence Primary School on Thursday 3 July

People and businesses of Port Clarence and Greatham South are invited to a public drop-in to find out more about a proposed flood defence scheme for the town.

The Environment Agency is hosting the event at High Clarence Primary School on Thursday 3 July, from 3.30pm to 7pm.

Those who attend will be able to talk to the project team about the flood risk faced by Port Clarence, and the new defence scheme that the Environment Agency is now planning to build.

The project will involve the building of new defences and improvements to existing defences around Port Clarence and Greatham South. The project will improve the standard of protection to properties that are at risk. Construction is programmed to start in spring 2015.

Some 351 homes and 32 commercial properties are at risk of flooding in Port Clarence. This risk comes from the River Tees and Greatham Creek.

The most recent impact of flooding in Port Clarence was seen in December last year, when a tidal surge combined with high spring tides. An estimated 45 residential properties and six commercial properties were flooded.

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Published 2 July 2014