Fisheries and Seafood Scheme Relaunch
The Fisheries and Seafood Scheme will relaunch in April, continuing to provide support to England’s seafood sector, coastal communities and marine environment.

This April the Marine Management Organisation (MMO) will relaunch the Fisheries and Seafood Scheme (FaSS). This will continue to provide certainty to the seafood sector, with funding available up to April 2025.
The new iteration of the scheme will deliver investment to safeguard the long-term sustainability, resilience and prosperity of the seafood sector across England.
The scheme will have simplified guidance – reflecting feedback from the first year – and will continue to evolve and improve throughout its lifetime.
If you have a project you would like to progress through the scheme, please do look out for the new guidance which will be published on MMO’s website once the scheme is launched.
Please note the relaunched FaSS will replace the existing scheme, which will no longer be considering new applications this financial year. Any project you would like to progress will be considered under the new scheme.