Fishermen urged to be Brexit ready by registering with the IMO
Advice on preparing for the introduction of International Maritime Organization (IMO) numbers as part of contingency planning

Under European Commission (EC) contingency proposals to enable it to grant our fishing vessels access to European Union (EU) waters in certain circumstances after Brexit, UK boats will be required to be registered with the International Maritime Organization (IMO).
While future access to fish in EU and other coastal State waters in the event of a no deal scenario remains a matter for negotiation, UK fishermen who want to prepare for all EU exit scenarios should apply for an IMO number now.
IMO registration is free and all UK fishing vessels will have to submit their IMO number to the Single Issuing Authority being established by the Marine Management Organisation (MMO) - on behalf of the UK Fisheries Administrations - to manage licensing for commercial fishing in non-UK waters.
Download the IMO registration application form. Fishing vessel owners should complete the form and send it to
When fishermen have received their IMO number they should email it to along with their Port Letter and Number (PLN) and Registry of Shipping and Seamen (RSS) number.
Fishermen whose vessels already have IMO numbers should send the details to the MMO, via, so accurate records can be maintained.