Press release

Fishing rod licence funds invested in healthy fish stocks & fisheries

The Environment Agency has released its Annual Fisheries Report 2017-18 providing anglers with details of how their fishing rod licence money is spent.

Three anglers standing in tall grass holding their fishing rods and a net


More than a million fishing licences were sold in 2017/2018 raising £23 million and this funds most of the fisheries work carried out by the Environment Agency.

The Annual Fisheries Report 2017-18 highlights all of the Environment Agency’s work for fisheries and anglers including the effort we have been putting into our enforcement activity.

In 2017-18 we checked the licences of nearly 65,000 anglers, responded to 569 reports of illegal fishing and conducted 2257 successful prosecutions.

In 2017-18 sales of fishing licences also funded:

  • Installing 61 fish passes opening up 1,128km of habitat for fish
  • Invested in 339 Fisheries and Angling Improvement projects involving 347 partners
  • 37,000 fishing lessons for juniors and families to increase participation
  • £3.2 million invested in fisheries projects
  • More than 350,000 fish for restocking into rivers raised at the National Fish Farm
  • The National Fisheries Laboratory assessed fish from 56 stillwaters collected by EA officers at incidents
  • Supporting the Riverfly Partnership monitoring macroinveterbrates at 1850 sites
  • Work with the Angling Trust Volunteer Bailiff Service to reduce the likelihood of people risking fishing without a licence, providing training and support for more than 400 Voluntary Bailiffs.

Environment Agency Deputy Director for Fisheries Kevin Austin said:

Income from fishing licence sales is used to fund our work to protect and improve fish stocks and fisheries.

Fishing rod licence income is vital for so much of the work we do including fisheries enforcement, fish rescues, restocking, improving habitats for fish and facilities for anglers as well as working with partners to encourage people to give fishing a go.

Annual fishing licences are available from only £30. To enjoy fishing and make sure you fish legally just go to get a fishing licence

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Published 9 April 2019