Press release

Flood risk recedes for northern England

The flood risk is receding across northern England as rainfall eases, although river levels will remain high through the week ahead.

Pumps at Carlisle flood scheme working overtime to reduce flood risk

Pumps at Carlisle flood scheme working overtime to reduce flood risk

The River Ouse in North Yorkshire and York will remain high until Thursday (19 November) where there could be further localised flooding.

The improving situation has meant that many flood warnings for rivers have been removed. The Environment Agency currently has 22 flood warnings (as at 12.30am, 16 November) in place across northern parts of the country. This is expected to fall further. However the public should remain alert to the risk of flooding.

On Tuesday afternoon and evening (17 November), gale or severe gale force westerly winds are expected to generate large waves around exposed coasts in south-west England and the English Channel. Some localised spray and wave overtopping of sea walls is possible but overall the coastal flood risk is very low.

Latest figures show that that Environment Agency flood schemes protected over 20,000 homes over the weekend. Over 600 metres of temporary flood defences were deployed by the Environment Agency and 20 military personnel to protect homes at Braystones, Whalley, Warwick Bridge and Ribchester.

Craig Woolhouse, Director of Incident Management at the Environment Agency, said:

The flood risk will recede across northern England over the coming days, although river levels will remain high”.

The public should remain alert to the risk of flooding and stay away from raging rivers. With so much standing water around, we ask people to stay out of flood water and not attempt to walk or drive through it”.

Over 20,000 properties were protected over the weekend by Environment Agency flood schemes and our teams will continue to clear blockages from watercourses, check flood defences and monitor river levels.

Those in areas at risk should check the Environment Agency website for the latest information and sign up for free flood warnings on the Environment Agency’s website or by calling the Environment Agency Flood Line on 0345 988 1188.

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Published 16 November 2015