Flood Warning siren test at north east community event
Demonstrations of sirens at flood defences at Skinningrove.

A flood warning siren
A community event which will include a live Flood Warning Siren test and a demonstration of new flood defences will take place next month.
The Environment Agency and partners including Cleveland Emergency Planning Unit and Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council will host the event on Wednesday 17 February 2016 at the Riverside Building in Skinningrove.
The event is to help the community be better prepared for flooding.
During the event there will be demonstrations of the new flood defences, a review of current plans and procedures as well as some half-term fun for the family.
The demonstrations will include a live test of the Skinningrove Flood Warning Siren at around 1.30pm.
The flood defences in the village have been upgraded in a project completed in September 2015, meaning the bridge parapets at Zetland Row now lower automatically at the push of a button, rather than having to be lowered manually.
It significantly reduces the time needed to ensure the flood gates are closed and parapets are lowered when river levels are high.
Alex Haley, from the Environment Agency’s Flood Resilience team in the North East, said:
The event is aimed at increasing awareness in the village about the work the Environment Agency has done to protect the community, including the improved flood defences.
It’s also to help residents understand how to prepare for a flood and the important role of volunteers, such as Flood Wardens, and how vital it is to have a Communtiy Action Plan so residents know how to respond.
Councillor Helen McLuckie, Cabinet Member for Neighbourhoods at Redcar & Cleveland Borough Council, added:
I would urge as many people in the local community as possible to come down and attend this event. Everyone has their part to play during flooding emergencies and good preparation can make all the difference in the aftermath of flooding.
It is also a good opportunity to learn more about what the council, and its partner agencies, are doing to alleviate the risk of flooding in Skinningrove.
The day will also include a drop in session promoting Floodline Warnings Direct sign up, recruitment of Flood Wardens and volunteers to promote community resilience.
Check to see if free flood warnings are available in your community and sign up by calling Floodline on 0345 988 1188 or by visiting the website.
For further details on the community event call the Environment Agency’s Flood Resilience team on 0191 203 4333. The event is subject to weather conditions and any ongoing incidents involving the organisations involved.
Skinningrove suffered flooding from the Kilton Beck on two occasions in 2000, and then again due to surface water in 2013.