Foreign Office marks International Day in Support of Victims of Torture 2014
Baroness Warsi reaffirms the UK’s commitment to combat torture and encourages states to ratify the Convention against Torture.

Senior Foreign Office Minister, Baroness Warsi said:
Today, on 26 June, we show our continued support to victims of torture. The UK has consistently and unreservedly condemned the use of torture and cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment and recognises that the impact on victims, their families and their communities is devastating. Torture cannot be justified in any circumstance.
Despite torture being a crime under international law, this vile and unjustifiable practice continues. This year’s International Day is a reminder that all too often the perpetrators go unpunished and steps are not taken to prevent the crime being repeated.
The UK will continue its efforts to combat torture and its related impunity and to encouraging states that have not yet done so to ratify the Convention against Torture and its Optional Protocol. Ratification will allow states to benefit from a constructive dialogue with international experts and sends a clear message of a determination to prevent, prohibit and punish torture.
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