Foreign Office Minister answers questions on UK in the EU via Twitter
Foreign Office Minister David Lidington answered questions on the UK in the EU live via Twitter on 28 February.
You can read the Q&A below.
I am online now and ready to take your #UK #EU questions. Please use #askFCO to ask your question. #digitaldiplomacy
- David Lidington MP (@DLidington) 28 February, 2013
@ukineu Can @DLidington confirm due to #horsemeat scandal, UK govt. will now agree to +stringent meat traceability standards in EU? #askFCO
- Jon Worth (@jonworth) 28 February, 2013
@jonworth @ukineu Key is testing regime for both raw material and (randomly) of finished products. That’s what we are calling for. #askFCO
- David Lidington MP (@DLidington) 28 February, 2013
Could reformed UK role in EU vis-a-vis core eurozone offer new opportunities for partnership with candidate countries such as Turkey#askFCO
- (@EurActiv) 28 February, 2013
.@EurActiv Strongly support Turkey’s EU accession. Acceptance of differentiated levels of integration is right for whole EU inc poss new MS
- David Lidington MP (@DLidington) 28 February, 2013
#askFCO) Will the UK take more responsibility on the issue of the Cyprus problem given the obvious deadlock and lack of rights for T/Cyps’s
- Fevzi Hussein (@FevziHussein) 28 February, 2013
.@FevziHussein #askFCO Cypriots have to feel ownership of any deal if it’s to stick. UK ready to help but process must be Cypriot-led.
- David Lidington MP (@DLidington) 28 February, 2013
.@FevziHussein Hope new Cypriot Pres & leaders of T Cypriots & govt of Turkey seize chance to move fwd. Comprehensive deal good for all
- David Lidington MP (@DLidington) 28 February, 2013
Does the EU ruling on bankers bonuses impact London disproportionately? #askFCO
- RYAN ROSS (@RYROSS) 28 February, 2013
.@RYROSS #askFCO lots of Qs on CRD4. We’ll look carefully at detail b4 Ecofin nxt wk. Imp to have good regs that keep EU banks competitive
- David Lidington MP (@DLidington) 28 February, 2013
I #askFCO how EU ministers (who pay only 14% tax) rationalise #bonuscaps (on sums attracting 62.8%) & trying to maximise tax revenues?
- Katherine C (@KMCQC) 28 February, 2013
.@KMCQC #askFCO Not sure about other MS but UK ministers pay full UK tax rates.
- David Lidington MP (@DLidington) 28 February, 2013
@ukineu #askFCO Is there more that the UK and FCO cld be doing to promote the growth agenda that the PM set out in his EU speech?
- John O’Regan (@oregan_john) 28 February, 2013
.@oregan_john #askFCO Not just UK govt but many like-minded MS, MEPs, Csion determined to push for more ambition on S Market, free trade.
- David Lidington MP (@DLidington) 28 February, 2013
@dlidington #askFCO What consideration (if any)has FCO given to #Gibraltar’s status within EU in attempt to renegotiate terms of membership?
- Number 6 (@No6Gib) 28 February, 2013
.@No6Gib Govt of Gib invited to contribute to Competences Review. HMG to consult closely with Gib on any EU matter affecting Gib. #askFCO
- David Lidington MP (@DLidington) 28 February, 2013
#askFCO why was Baroness Ashton at the Iran talks? Why is the EU proposing sanctions against Israeli settlers but not Hezbollah?
- Christopher Hawkins (@daeron_z) 28 February, 2013
.@daeron_z #askFCO Bs Ashton representing E3+3 with support & agreement of all 6 govts (UK, France, Germany, USA, Russia, China)
- David Lidington MP (@DLidington) 28 February, 2013
@ukineu @DLidington Is the UK hitting its targets for improving UK recruitment to EU inst? What more do you plan to do? #askFCO
- Giles Goodall (@GoodallGiles) 28 February, 2013
.@GoodallGiles #askFCO Nos better but long way to go. Now improving coordination of secondments to EU and reviewing what works for other MS
- David Lidington MP (@DLidington) 28 February, 2013
#askFCO in the rush to engage emerging markets - how can we ensure that we don’t take old friends like the Dutch for granted?
- David Kernohan (@DavidKernohan) 28 February, 2013
.@DavidKernohan #askFCO We work v closely with Neths, Sweden et al on EU matters. @UKTI encourages SMEs to look at Neths for 1st expt markt
- David Lidington MP (@DLidington) 28 February, 2013
@DLidington @ukineu If Britain leaves the EU, what/who will prevent Brussels from pushing for more legislation against the City? #askFCO
- Florian Chevoppe (@HMSDreadnought) 28 February, 2013
.@HMSDreadnought As @David_Cameron said, we want to be part of writing the rules for trade in EU. Goal is to be part of reformed Europe.
- David Lidington MP (@DLidington) 28 February, 2013
I enjoyed answering your #askFCO questions, thanks for sending them in. Now off to #CEPSAC13.
- David Lidington MP (@DLidington) 28 February, 2013
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