Foreign Office statement on Title III of the Helms-Burton Act
The Foreign & Commonwealth Office responds to US announcement on Title III of the Helms-Burton Act, relating to UK and EU companies doing business in Cuba.

A Foreign & Commonwealth Office spokesperson said:
The UK shares the concerns expressed by the European Union about the United States’ announcement that it will lift the waiver of Title III of the Helms-Burton Act.
The extraterritorial application of Title III sanctions, which we consider to be illegal under international law, threaten to harm UK and EU companies doing legitimate business in Cuba by exposing them to liability in US courts. We will work alongside the EU to protect the interests of our companies.
The UK, like the EU, believes that the best way of encouraging Cuba to respect democratic freedoms and human rights, to implement political reform or to play a less unhelpful role in Venezuela is through dialogue and cooperation, not isolation.
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