Foreign Office Summons Russian Ambassador
Statement on the summoning of the Russian Ambassador over the findings of the independent Litvinenko Inquiry report

At the request of the Foreign Secretary, Philip Hammond , the Russian Ambassador Alexander Vladimirovich Yakovenko was summoned to the Foreign Office this afternoon to meet the Minister responsible for Russia, David Lidington.
A Foreign Office Spokeswoman said:
The Minister set out the UK Government’s deep concern regarding the findings of the independent Litvinenko Inquiry report. He made clear that the Inquiry’s conclusion concerning the Russian State’s probable involvement in this murder was deeply disturbing, demonstrating a flagrant disregard for UK law, international law and standards of conduct, and the safety of UK citizens. The Minister said that this would further complicate bilateral relations, undermine trust, and damage Russia’s reputation internationally.
This was a reminder of why the UK had introduced a series of steps to respond to Russia in 2007.
Mr Lidington reiterated the UK Government’s demand that Russia cooperate with the criminal investigation to ensure that the suspects could be brought to justice and face trial in the United Kingdom.
The Minister went on to underline that it is unacceptable that Russia has not complied with the Crown Prosecution Service’s formal request to extradite Lugovoy. The British Government did not accept that the Russian Authorities were unable to find a means do this.
Mr Lidington concluded that the UK Government’s immediate demand was for Russia to provide answers to the questions raised by this report, to account for the actions of the Russian intelligence services in this case, and to provide an assurance that a similar crime would not be repeated.
Further information
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