Foreign Secretary announces UK funded training to support Kurdish fighters
The UK has announced that it is funding state of the art bomb disposal training to assist the Kurdistan Region of Iraq’s Peshmerga forces in their frontline battle against ISIL.

This funding is for a four-week pilot course, delivered by a UK firm, which will initially train up to 18 students from the Peshmerga to counter Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs), raising their expertise to NATO Level. The UK Government funded the same course for members of the Iraqi Security Forces in Baghdad earlier in the year.
Speaking from Erbil, in the Kurdistan Region, Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond said:
The Peshmerga are on the front line of the battle against ISIL. It is vital that the UK and all in the international community support them in this fight, which is our fight too.
Given the scale of the threat faced from IEDs, this assistance could prove lifesaving for the Peshmerga forces and civilians, and serves as one small but vital part in the package of support being provided by the UK to Iraq to tackle the threat from ISIL.
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