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Foreign Secretary answers questions on Libya via Twitter

Foreign Secretary William Hague answered questions from the public on the UK's policy on Libya via Twitter on 31 August.

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government

Here is the full transcript:

Q. @CharlesCrawford: #Libya Many top Gaddafi bad men defected to the ‘rebels’. Are we getting Gaddafi Lite? Who controls unfrozen assets? @WilliamJHague #askFS

A. @CharlesCrawford Clear some from old regime can play a role but others must face justice #askFS #Libya

Q. @KevinBonnick: #askFS there is clearly billions of pounds of assets owned by old regime, why are we now giving them aid when the resources are there to use

A. @KevinBonnick Libya is potentially wealthy country but had years of bad gov. Assets being unfrozen but humanitarian aid needed now #askFS

Q. @el_marciano91: Why were you and previous governments happy to allow arms exports to Libya when Gaddafi was in charge? #askFS #Libya

A. @el_marciano91 I can’t speak for former govs, certainly on my watch we applied strict controls on exports to #Libya #askFS

Q. @BrynGerard: Which Western Corps. will be offered #business deals from #Libya? Has it already been carved up like the #Iraqi #Oil ? #AskFS

A. @BrynGerard Trade will be important in relations with new #Libya. But our purpose has been to support the Libyan people not win deals #askFS

Q. @lombardo187: Hope u r not just picking easy Qs. I am black & demand to know what ur govt is doing to protect fellow black people in #Libya

A. @lombardo187 #NTC urging forces not to engage in reprisals & revenge attacks & we’ve made clear #humanrights abuses shld not occur #askFS

Q. @EmilyTVCook: #askFS Why has Mugabe not been tackled? I’m sure he stoked the fire with Libya and possibly Syria and I think he’ll start on new regime!

A. @EmilyTVCook #Mugabe continues to play a malign role across #Africa, while denying Zimbabweans their rights. We urge real reform #askFS

Q. @susanfenton: #askFS Wasn’t the real purpose of the invasion of Libya to gain control of the oil, by installing an unelected puppet government?

A. @susanfenton No. purpose was to prevent Qadhafi massacring innocent people & to support a better future for #Libya #askFS

Q. @AlexNicest: @WilliamJHague #askFS how many people are estimated to have died in the Libya conflict?

A. @AlexNicest Very difficult to say. But thousands would have died at hands of Qadhafi troops had we not implemented @UN SCR 1973 #askFS

Q. @SamReeves: #askFS add to my first question: sorry I meant to ask “any indication when Britain’s embassy in Tripoli will reopen”

A. @SamReeves Our advance team is in #Tripoli already as announced on Monday & full representation will follow soon #askFS #Libya

Q. @ahcorner: @WilliamJHague to what extent is it practical to ask the NTC to atone for #Libyan crimes committed under #Gaddafi? #askFS

A. @ahcorner It is very important justice is done. #NTC has said it is committed to rule of law & will work with us on these issues #askFS

Q. @kattighe81: @WilliamJHague #askFS how can we justify spending so many millions in Libya when we have so many children living below poverty line in UK?

A. @kattighe81 money spent in #Libya to help Libyan people - cost of a catastrophe there would have been far greater #askFS

Q. @sevenscreation: #askFS with cost of British involvement in Libya as high as £250m (Telegraph & uk economy as it is, why are we there?

A. @sevenscreation £250 million was earlier assessment by MoD. Will provide full costs to @UKParliament as soon as they’re available #askFS

Q. @GrovesMartyn: #askFS What support to encourage migrant workers back to Libya to rebuild? Many stuck in Tunisia still. How will they be protected?

A. @GrovesMartyn UK has already helped 1000s of migrant workers get home from #Libya. We will continue to work closely with the IOM. #askFS

Q. @MarkCF83THFC: @WilliamJHague #askfs What are your long and short term hopes for the people of Libya in general,and the region in particular?

A. @MarkCF83THFC We support a free, stable, open #Libya that meets needs & aspirations of its people. Hope same for other countries in region

Q. @TomStevenson_: @WilliamJHague Why was the June 16th offer of internationally monitored elections in Libya ignored? #askfs

A. @TomStevenson_ No good faith offer was ever made. Qadhafi continued to threaten & attack innocent civilians #askFS #Libya

Q. @gregsie: #askFS How sure can you be that the #LTC are not Taliban supported? They’re demonstrating a hands-off approach to the UN and other bodies

A. @gregsie Entirely right that stabilisation should be lead by #Libya. #NTC working with @UN & others & have rejected terrorism #askFS

Q. @JanzourAli @WilliamJHague following disgracefully slow response in evacuating Brit cits from Libya has there been a review into fco procedures #askFS

A. @JanzourAli Very thorough review of procedures was published in July #askFS #Libya

WilliamJHague: Thanks for all your #Libya Qs. I have to finish as due to speak to #NTC leaders now by telephone #askFS

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Published 31 August 2011