Foreign Secretary appalled by reports of further chemical attacks in Syria
Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond calls for investigation into reports of further chemical attacks in Syria.

The Foreign Secretary said:
I am appalled by the reports in recent days of further chemical attacks against civilians in Idlib province which have caused a number of fatalities. The Syrian regime must provide a full account of these incidents. There needs to be a comprehensive investigation and the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons Fact Finding Mission must be allowed to establish whether this was indeed a chemical attack.
The UN Security Council adopted a resolution this month condemning the use of chlorine gas in Syria. The use of chemicals by the Assad regime as a weapon against his own people not only breaches international law, but also violates previous Security Council resolutions and the Chemical Weapons Convention to which Syria acceded. If these latest allegations are verified, this would constitute a violation of UNSCR 2209. The UK, along with international partners, remains committed to ensuring that those responsible are held to account.
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