Foreign Secretary confirms two dead in Kabul attack against embassy vehicle
Philip Hammond condemns attack on civilians supporting our diplomatic activity in Afghanistan.

The Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond said:
This morning a British Embassy vehicle was attacked in the Afghan capital, Kabul.
I am deeply saddened to confirm that a British national civilian security team member and an Afghan national working for the Embassy were killed in the incident. A second British member of the security team was injured.
I condemn this appalling attack on innocent civilians supporting our diplomatic activity. The families of the victims have been informed and my thoughts are with them. The Foreign Office will do everything it can to support them.
This outrage brings home to us once again the courage and perseverance of the people of Afghanistan and members of the international community who support them, who have lived together through decades of conflict.
We will not allow such inhumanity to deter us from continuing our partnership with the Government of Afghanistan. I have nothing but admiration for the staff of the Embassy, British and Afghan, who work at great personal risk to help build a better future for Afghanistan.
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