Foreign Secretary hails historic day for Nigeria at inauguration of new President
Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond today joined world leaders at the inauguration of Muhammadu Buhari as President of Nigeria.

Speaking in Abuja, following the inauguration, the Foreign Secretary said:
The inauguration of President Buhari marks Nigeria’s first ever democratic transition of power and is a credit to the Nigerian people. It comes at a crucial time in Nigeria’s history with many challenges ahead, as President Buhari set out eloquently in his inauguration speech.
Britain is one of Nigeria’s oldest and firmest friends and we stand ready to support the new government’s objectives of a secure and prosperous Nigeria. This includes tackling Boko Haram and bringing lasting stability to the north east, improving conditions in the Delta, and tackling corruption.
New governments in both our countries provide an opportunity to take the UK-Nigeria relationship to a new level. Our long-standing historical, cultural and business links provide an excellent platform to develop an even greater partnership.
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