Foreign Secretary on the Occasion of 20th Anniversary of Srebrenica Genocide
Foreign Secretary says we must never forget the genocide at Srebrenica

The Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond said:
We must never forget the act of genocide that happened at Srebrenica, nor the victims of the crimes committed on all sides. I offer my deepest sympathy to the bereaved and to those who lost loved ones during the conflicts in the Balkans.
This anniversary is a moment to pause and reflect on the lessons learned from the darkest moments in the post-war history of our continent.
The UK is a long-standing friend of Bosnia and Herzegovina. This is why I and my German counterpart launched an initiative, since adopted by the EU, to inject momentum into Bosnia and Herzegovina’s EU accession and put it on the path to lasting prosperity and stability. But it’s up to Bosnia and Herzegovina’s own political leaders to maintain the momentum and deliver the necessary reforms.
All citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina deserve the chance of a better future; but this will only be achieved when the politics of hope prevail over those of division.
Further information
Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond @PHammondMP
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