Foreign Secretary statement on Bosnia-Herzegovina
Foreign Secretary William Hague calls for urgent steps for Bosnia.

Commenting on recent events in Bosnia-Herzegovina, Foreign Secretary William Hague said:
It is clear that many Bosnian people feel frustrated with the slow progress their country is making on its economic, social and political reforms, and the impact that this is having on Bosnia’s path towards the EU.
I hope that Bosnia’s leaders will listen to the calls they have heard, and take urgent steps to improve the country’s prospects and fulfil these aspirations for change.
Peaceful protest is an important right in any democracy, but there is no excuse for violence. So I call for a spirit of restraint and constructive dialogue, avoiding any inflammatory language and focussing on how to turn this difficult moment into an opportunity for all the people of Bosnia-Herzegovina.
The United Kingdom is a strong friend of Bosnia, and we will continue to call for a renewed effort by the European Union to help the country overcome its problems.
Bosnia-Herzeogvina belongs in the family of European Union nations and in the Transatlantic Alliance. I hope we will see leadership from Bosnian politicians, positive engagement by Bosnian citizens, and strong support from the international community, so that those goals can be achieved. The UK will do its part to help make that a reality.
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