Foreign Secretary statement on continuing conflict in Yemen
Boris Johnson urges all parties to renew commitment to Cessation of Hostilities

The Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson said:
The UK continues to strongly support the work of UN Special Envoy, Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed, and his tireless efforts in working with all parties to bring about peace in Yemen. I deeply regret the failure of the parties to reach an agreement and I urge them to find the compromises that will end the current conflict.
I am seriously concerned about actions being taken by elements of the Houthis, the General People’s Congress, and allies in defiance of the Yemeni Constitution and the UN process, and encourage all parties not to take any action that undermines the possibility of peace.
It is critical now that all parties to the conflict renew their commitment to the Cessation of Hostilities for the sake of the people of Yemen, including active participation by the Houthis in the De-escalation and Coordination Committee. The dire humanitarian and economic situation in the country means it is absolutely imperative that the talks continue, and a way towards peace is found. The UK will continue to be fully engaged as the international community seeks a solution to the crisis in Yemen, building on the Quadrilateral meeting we hosted in London in July, and the £85 million that the UK has committed so far as the fourth largest donor of aid.
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