Foreign Secretary statement on the Colombian peace process
The Government of Colombia and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) have agreed an historic final peace deal.

Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson said:
This is an historic time for Colombia, as it moves forward after more than 50 years of internal conflict, and almost four years of negotiations.
The UK is proud to have been a longstanding and steadfast partner of Colombia. We shall continue to work with the Colombian government, civil society and business sectors to help ensure that today’s achievement is sustainable.
Colombia has shown real courage to make such progress. Its citizens can dare to dream of a future that will be better for all.
Notes for editors
The internal conflict has claimed over 220,000 lives and left more than 8 million victims.
The announcement was made in Havana, where peace talks have taken place since 2012. Both the Government of Colombia and the FARC spoke of a more inclusive and democratic Colombia, with opportunities for all including minorities and vulnerable groups.
The UK has supported Colombia through a variety of diplomatic efforts during the peace process. In January the UK drafted a UNSC Resolution that secured international support for verifying a ceasefire. The UK has also given practical advice based on our peace-building experience in Northern Ireland.
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