Foreign Secretary welcomes Baghdad-Erbil agreement
Philip Hammond welcomes agreement between Iraqi and Kurdistan Regional governments on oil exports and revenue sharing.

The Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond said:
I very much welcome the agreement on 2 December between the Federal Government of Iraq, led by Prime Minister Haider Al Abadi, and the Kurdistan Regional Government, represented by Prime Minister Nechirvan Barzani, on detailed arrangements on oil exports and revenue sharing.
Iraq faces significant challenges and all communities must cooperate to defeat ISIL militarily, assist the displaced and provide an inclusive future for the country. I welcome the important steps that have been taken by Prime Minister Abadi and his government in recent weeks in support of this, including today’s announcement. I congratulate all concerned for their work to resolve this long-standing disagreement. The UK has supported these efforts at dialogue throughout.
I hope that all Iraqi leaders will follow this constructive approach to addressing practical challenges, in the interests of national reconciliation and unity against a common enemy who are a threat to all.
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