Press release

Forest works at Bassenthwaite Lake to close A66 lanes

Drivers using the A66 past Cumbria’s Bassenthwaite Lake are being advised the westbound carriageway will be subject to a series of closures for up to three months for tree felling at adjacent Wythop Forest.

Work to thin the forest is being carried out by the Forestry Commission and as a section is on a steep bank alongside the A66, lanes of the westbound dual carriageway will have to be closed from Monday 1 September so the work can be carried out safely.

Highways Agency project sponsor Andrew Olive said:

This is part of a long-term Forestry Commission programme and we have been working closely with them to discuss their plans for the section of the forest next to the A66.

Clearly the safety of road users is our top priority and given the steepness of the bank and the very large trees involved we will have to close short sections of the westbound carriageway.

At times during the work, the westbound carriageway will remain open using a single lane of the dual carriageway. At other times, both lanes of the westbound carriageway will be totally closed with a contraflow system in place and a lane running in each direction along the eastbound carriageway. On occasions - outside peak travelling periods - traffic will also be held at temporary traffic signals.

For safety reasons all of the work must be done during the day.

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Published 22 August 2014