Foundation trust will take steps to improve its finances
Northern Lincolnshire and Goole NHS Foundation Trust will develop a short-term plan to improve its current financial position.

However, Monitor, the health sector regulator, recognises that there are underlying financial issues which the trust can’t fix alone. It has therefore agreed further measures which will see the trust working with commissioners, local authorities and patient groups to develop a separate plan to ensure high quality, sustainable services in the longer term.
The trust, which provides services to patients at 3 sites (Diana, Princess of Wales Hospital in Grimsby; Scunthorpe General Hospital; and Goole and District Hospital) was put in special measures following the July 2013 Keogh review into trusts with higher than average mortality rates.
Monitor took the trust out of special measures in July 2014, following an inspection by the Care Quality Commission which found that the quality of care had improved significantly. However, its finances have since deteriorated and the trust plans to request short-term emergency funding from the Department of Health.
Monitor will continue to scrutinise the trust’s performance and may take further action if necessary.