Fourth Meeting of the UK Commission on Covid Commemoration
The UK Commission on Covid Commemoration held its fourth meeting.
The Commission met for the fourth time, on Friday 11 November 2022, following a series of stakeholder events hosted across the UK and following the launch of the Public Consultation on 24 October.
Various groups including bereaved families attended the events held around the UK and were invited to discuss their ideas and views for commemoration, recognition and marking this period of our history. Members of the Commission shared their thoughts and reflections from the events they had attended. The Commission noted that the key emerging themes at this stage include:
- An interest in both national scale remembering and local spaces that would bring communities together in reflection, including green spaces;
- A general recognition that the pandemic impacted everyone in one way or another and that everyone played a part in the response. As such there was a lot of support for individual stories to be reflected in commemoration initiatives;
- The importance of educating future generations.
The Commission is keen for members of the public to complete the Public Consultation as this will play an important part in informing the Commission of views on the options currently under consideration.
The Commission will meet again in December.