World news story

Francis Maude visits India 12 -17 September

UK Minister for the Cabinet Office, takes forward UK-India partnerships in open governance, cyber policy and digital innovation.

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government
Francis Maude

UK Minister for the Cabinet Office, the Rt Hon Francis Maude MP, will visit New Delhi, Mumbai and Bangalore from 12-17 September.

While in India, Mr Maude will meet Indian Ministerial counterparts, senior national security officials, political leaders of Maharashtra and Karnataka, business leaders and entrepreneurs, and senior members of Indian civil society and academic organisations.

Mr Maude will discuss with his interlocutors how the UK and India can best work together to take forward the opportunities of the digital world, including open government, the use of digital channels to deliver public services more efficiently, and strengthening cyber security. The UK is currently the lead chair of the Open Government Partnership. The UK is working with India to promote transparency which can drive prosperity by improving governance and generating growth from open data.

Mr Maude will speak on these topics at the Observer Research Foundation in New Delhi.

While in Mumbai, Mr Maude will meet senior representatives of Indian IT companies with significant investment in the UK, as well as civil society representatives to discuss the role of open government and social enterprise.

While in Bangalore, Mr Maude will meet several of Bangalore’s leading IT companies and those involved in the wide range of partnerships between the city and Cambridge, two of the world’s leading technology hubs. He will join the Vice-Chancellor of Cambridge University at a reception to celebrate the research and innovation ties between the two cities.

On arriving in India, Mr Maude said:

The UK and India are building a stronger, wider, deeper partnership, attuned to the needs of the 21st century and to the benefit of both our nations. The growing co-operation on issues, such as open government, public sector reform, open data and cyber security between our two governments, businesses, civil society organisations and technology hubs, is central to this. The UK’s approach to the digital world has been to maximise the potential for growth, efficiency and creativity, while minimising the threats to people’s security and prosperity. Our digital partnership with India is one we value highly.

Further information:

The Rt Honourable Francis Maude MP is a UK Minister for the Cabinet Office with responsibility for public sector efficiency and reform; Civil Service issues; industrial relations strategy in the public sector; government transparency; civil contingencies; civil society; cyber security; and UK statistics.

Marcus Winsley, Director,
Press and Communications
British High Commission,
Chanakyapuri, New Delhi 110021
Tel: 44192100; Fax: 24192411

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Published 12 September 2013