Freight transport in the context of COVID-19: joint statement by the United Kingdom, France and Ireland
Statement by UK Secretary of State for Transport, French Minister of State for Transport and Irish Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport.

The United Kingdom, Ireland and France are linked together by trade which is centuries old, and which has thrived through the most difficult of times. Our collective well-being depends on those who move freight between our nations. These are crucial economic and social links which we must maintain.
The current COVID-19 crisis presents a threat to the movement of goods if we do not act.
We recognize the importance of the partnership between our nations at this difficult time. That is why we make this joint statement to affirm our wish to ensure freight keeps moving, which remains essential during this crisis.
Ireland has already announced an intervention in support of some critical routes on the continental and southern corridors from Ireland. The UK has made an announcement of support for critical routes into and out of the UK. France intends to support these efforts during the COVID-19 crisis and thereby contribute to maintaining links with the European continent as a whole.
We have initiated a dialogue between our three governments during this crisis to strengthen partnership and share best practices. Residents, workers and businesses should be reassured by our shared commitment.
Working together in partnership is important at this difficult time to help keep freight flowing between and through our countries.
Grant Shapps, Secretary of State for Transport, United Kingdom
Jean-Baptiste Djebbari, Minister of State for Transport, attached to the Minister for the Ecological and Inclusive Transition, France
Shane Ross, Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport, Ireland