Friday 17th January is "Pole Day"
Friday 17th January 2014 will mark the 102nd Anniversary of the Terra Nova expedition reaching the South Pole.

On this day in 1912, the team led by Captain Robert Falcon Scott reached the South Pole. Scott and his men’s achievement was all the more remarkable for the groundbreaking scientific work undertaken by the expedition, with many of the findings and samples collected still being studied today. Tragically Scott and the four other men chosen for the final stages of the expedition (Dr Wilson, Cpt Oates, PO Evans and Lt Bowers) all perished on their return.
As part of the 2012 Centenary of Scott’s Terra Nova expedition, the Antarctic Place-names Committee and the New Zealand Antarctic Names Committee joined forces to honour those members of the British National Antarctic Expedition (1910-13) who were yet to have a place within Antarctica named after them. The naming process is now complete and you can view the full article on the Antarctic Place Names Committee website.