Frontline services will be supported says minister
Nick Herbert has reiterated the government's determination to put resources where they are needed in an environment of public sector cuts.

His comments come after chief superintendent Derek Barnett indicated that the police should be protected from government budget cuts.
Social and industrial tensions
Ahead of his speech at the Police Superintendents’ Association conference tomorrow, the chief superintendent has warned that a confident police force is needed to tackle social and industrial tensions that could arise in an environment of wider public sector cuts.
Policing and criminal justice minister Nick Herbert said: ‘We are determined to do everything we can to support frontline services.’
‘That means getting the resources to where they are needed and reducing the bureaucracy that stops officers from getting out into the community to do their job.
Size of cuts is speculation
‘At this point, any suggestion about the size of cuts is mere speculation. We will not know how much money will be available for policing until the spending review reports back in October.
‘The government’s first priority is to tackle the deficit and the police must make their share of the savings. We will do everything we can to cut red tape and ensure resources are used more efficiently to protect frontline services.’