Funding arrangements for medical and dental student tuition fees for 2013-2015 and NHS bursary funding arrangements from 2012
The Department of Health and Department for Business, Innovation and Skills have agreed that the interim funding arrangements for medical and…

The Department of Health and Department for Business, Innovation and Skills have agreed that the interim funding arrangements for medical and dental student tuition fees that were agreed for 2012/13 will roll forward for a further two academic years.
These arrangements continue to be interim arrangements and apply only to students starting their courses in 2012/13, 2013/14 and 2014/15.
**Undergraduates on the five/six year medical and dental programme **
In years 1 to 4, eligible students will receive a loan from the Student Loans Company to cover the full cost of tuition fees
From the fifth year of study, the NHS Bursary will pay eligible students’ tuition fees up to £9,000.
**Graduates on the four year accelerated programme **
In their first year of study, graduate students will have to fund the first £3,465 of tuition fees themselves. Eligible students will have access to a Student Finance England loan of up to £5,535 to cover the remainder tuition fees.
From their second year of study, the NHS Bursary will cover the first £3,465 of tuition fees. Eligible students will have access to a loan of up to £5,535 from Student Finance England for their remaining tuition fees.
In 2014/15, the level of tuition cost met by the student in the first year and by the NHS Bursary from year two may have to increase to cover any (inflationary) rise in tuition.
From 2012, universities will be able to charge first time students up to £9,000 in tuition fees.
In June 2011, interim arrangements were announced for students starting their medical and dental programmes in 2012. These arrangements have been rolled forward for a further two academic years.
Students who intercalate another higher education qualification during their medical degree may be eligible for funding from either BIS or DH, depending on their year of study. This will not change.
NHS bursary support is available to medical and dental students including graduates following this programme of study from year 5 of the under-graduate degree and from year 2 of the accelerated graduate entry programme. The full package of support from September 2012 for new NHS bursary students is outlined below.
NHS Bursary package of support available from September 2012
From September 2012, all new eligible NHS bursary students will be eligible for a £1,000 grant and a means tested bursary from NHS Student Bursaries. A reduced level maintenance loan may also be available from Student Finance England to students on undergraduate courses.
Students studying on post-graduate courses are only eligible for NHS bursary funding.
The following tables show typical support available to students on a 30 week course or a 45 week course.
For students studying up to 30 weeks each year, you will receive
If you will be studying and living: Term time Non-means tested grant Means tested bursary (maximum) Non-means tested maintenance loan*
in London and living in student/rented accommodation/your own home
elsewhere in England (UK for medical and dental students) and living in student/rented accommodation/your own home
anywhere in England (UK for medical and dental students) and living with your parents
*loan is not available to students studying on post-graduate courses
For students studying 45 weeks or more each year, you will receive
If you will be studying and living: Term time Non-means tested grant Means tested bursary (maximum) Non-means tested maintenance loan*
in London and living in student/rented accommodation/your own home
elsewhere in England (UK for medical and dental students) and living in student/rented accommodation/your own home
anywhere in England (UK for medical and dental students) and living with your parents
*loan is not available to students studying on post-graduate courses
The maintenance loan is reduced in the final year of study to £2,498 in London, £1,811 outside London and £1,324 for students who live with their parents whilst studying.
In addition to the basic bursary, students can apply for a number of additional allowances if they meet specific criteria. These allowances provide support to disabled students and additional support for students with dependent adults and children.
Students can also claim help with travel costs to their placements, if they incur additional costs to those incurred when travelling to their university.
The tuition costs for non-medical courses are paid directly by the NHS so eligible students are not required to pay tuition fees.
The arrangements for medical and dental students differ. We agreed interim arrangements for students beginning medical and dental courses in 2012 and these have now been rolled forward for a further two accademic years. The arrangements in place are described above.
Further information
You can find a copy of the current NHS Bursary Scheme and further information on how to apply for a bursary at the links below.
The NHS Bursary Scheme: New rules first edition and old rules thirteenth edition