News story

Fusilier Lee Rigby murder

Today, Michael Adebolajo and Michael Adebowale have been found guilty of the murder of Fusilier Lee Rigby in Woolwich, in May 2013.

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© H Szymanski. All Rights Reserved.

Following the guilty verdicts the Commanding Officer of 2nd Battalion The Royal Regiment of Fusiliers, Lieutenant Colonel Jim Taylor, has released the following statement:

The thoughts of every soldier and officer in the Second Fusiliers are very firmly with the family and friends of Fusilier Lee Rigby today.

We hope that the conclusion of this trial brings even a small amount of closure in the aftermath of this horrific crime.

Many in the battalion, particularly those in the Drums Platoon, have been rocked by the details that have emerged over the last weeks.

We have all taken tremendous comfort from the support that so many people have offered.

This includes, in particular, the very diverse community of Woolwich, which has continued to build on its already deep ties with the Army.

Fusilier Rigby was a highly dedicated and professional soldier. He was one of the true characters within the Second Fusiliers and he is missed greatly.

He was a true warrior having served with distinction in Afghanistan. That his life was ended in this way was a cruel tragedy.

Once a Fusilier, always a Fusilier.

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Published 19 December 2013