G7 Ambassadors' statement regarding journalists' personal data on Myrotvorets website
G7 Ambassadors are deeply concerned by recent massive disclosures of journalists’ personal data on the Myrotvorets website.

G7 Ambassadors are deeply concerned by the recent massive disclosures of journalists’ personal data on the Myrotvorets website. This contravenes the spirit and the letter of Ukrainian law, which states clearly that personal data can only be publicly released with the individual’s consent. It also contravenes Ukraine’s international commitments. We acknowledge the investigations launched by the Government of Ukraine on this matter and hope the results will be shared with the public.
The characterisation of all listed journalists as “collaborators with terrorists” endangers the personal security of those affected and Ukraine’s hard-won media freedom. Journalists should be able to carry out their work free from threats, harassment and intimidation. It is vital, and in Ukraine’s interests, that journalists are able to report on events in the Donbas and elsewhere.
We call on those responsible for Myrotvorets to remove personal data from the website and desist from inflammatory language. We are particularly concerned that threats are being made against individuals as a result of the information published by Myrotvorets. The Minister of Interior has said that he will take action where threats are made. We welcome this and call on Ukraine’s authorities to ensure that the freedom of the media in Ukraine is upheld.