Press release

G7 Leaders Statement Partnership For Infrastructure And Investment

The G7 Leaders have issued a joint statement, setting out principles and next steps to modernise the G7's approach to infrastructure finance and narrow the infrastructure investment gap in developing countries.

This was published under the 2019 to 2022 Johnson Conservative government

The G7 Leaders have issued a joint statement, setting out principles and next steps to modernise the G7’s approach to infrastructure finance and narrow the infrastructure investment gap in developing countries. This supports a key part of the agreement reached by Leaders at the G7 Carbis Bay Summit in June, as a part of the G7’s commitment to build back better for a greener, more prosperous future.

The statement sets out the G7’s approach to financing quality and sustainable infrastructure that will help ensure a strong recovery from the pandemic and rapid progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals and supports international climate and environment commitments, including those recently made at COP26 in Glasgow.

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Published 3 December 2021