News story

Get Going this summer with Change 4 Life

Summer is here and Change4Life’s Get Going campaign will ensure there are lots of fun ways for families to get active during the holidays.

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This news article has been withdrawn because it is about summer activities in 2013 which no longer apply.

Change 4 Life

Change 4 Life

It can be easy to let children spend a bit too much time on the sofa over the summer holidays but, while it’s great to relax after a long school year, it’s important to make sure they stay active. The longer days are also the perfect time for adults to join in and try something new too.

Children aged 5 to 16 need to do at least 60 minutes of physical activity a day that gets their hearts beating faster than usual, and adults need at least 150 minutes a week.

The Get Going campaign will run throughout the school holidays. To find out more about activities in your area, healthy picnic options and to sign up for your free online activity plan, visit the Change4Life website:

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Published 18 July 2013