SLC introduces Refund Request online form
Customers have been provided with an easier way to request a refund

SLC has provided customers with an easier way of requesting a below threshold refund.
Student loan deductions are taken based on a pay period – weekly, fortnightly or monthly - and this means that customers can have a payment taken if they go above the pay period threshold. For example, this could happen if a customer is paid a bonus or works overtime. However, at the end of the year, if their total earnings are below the annual threshold, the customer is eligible to ask for a refund.
Call waiting times to our repayment helpline are currently longer than usual, due to high volumes from customers enquiring about refunds. To help customers, SLC has introduced a refund request form which is available online and is the easiest and quickest way for customers to request a refund. Customers can access and download the form at: Getting a refund from SLC - GOV.UK (
Once completed, customers can email it to
Customers will receive an automated reply to confirm the form has been received and a refund will be processed in around 28 days. SLC requests that customers who have submitted a refund request do not contact them within this timeframe. SLC will contact customers when the refund request has been calculated and processed. If more information is required, or if a customer is not eligible for a refund, SLC will contact the customer directly.
Customers can only apply for a refund from previous tax years. Any refunds for this current tax year (6 April 2023 to 5 April 2024), cannot be requested until after the end of the tax year.
Before submitting the form, customers should check if they’re due a refund using the dedicated page Repaying your student loan: Getting a refund - GOV.UK (
Customers who think they might have made a repayment in a previous tax year but earned below that tax year’s annual repayment threshold can check their previous year’s statements on their online account
Repayment thresholds vary depending on what loan plan a customer is on, to check the plan type visit: